First and foremost, a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Whether it is your favorite holiday, or you sit begrudgingly at the kid’s table, or you consider it a display of the evils of imperialistic societies that kill off entire groups of people… There’s pie! Everyone likes pie.

That being said, there may not be pie. Just like every other facet of life shifts and alters as American society shifts and alters, Thanksgiving will follow suit. There is no longer one way to have a Thanksgiving. It is not the plutonic family seated whilst father carves the bird, generously handing out dark meat. Any food can be Thanksgiving food. Takeout can make a fine Thanksgiving feast.
Not only has the family dynamic changed, the requirement to be with one’s family is no longer there. Many have a Friends giving with their chosen families. Some, like me, even like to spend the day alone. No matter the structure of your Thanksgiving, it is all about the same thing. No, not unwanted, smallpox-y colonization, it is about being thankful for what we have and the life we live. No life is the perfect life, it is easy to list the things that we do not have and the things we want. It is more difficult to simply sit happily with all that we have.
Not that we must stay seated, complacent, and never strive for more. Striving for more is what keeps us going as a species. But today is a perfect day to just focus on the bounty of our lives, and celebrate with others doing the same. So happy day of thanks, we have so much for which to be thankful.
Oh, and if you are going anywhere today, call yourself a Carmel car… You’re probably drunk or soon to be so.



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